Friday Mornings – Painting in Oils


Friday Mornings – Painting in Oils

Winter Term 2024
Ending on December 13th

Spring Term 2025
with Audrey 

What you will learn:

  • Learn to paint in oils from the beginning
  • Understand the mechanics of oil paint
  • Mix the colours that you see accurately
  • Discover ways of looking that lead to successful images
  • Acquire failsafe compositional strategies
  • Embrace your own visual language

Who is this for?

People wanting to learn how to paint in oils. Anyone wanting to transition from drawing or another medium to oil paint or those just starting out and wanting a good grounding in oil painting and associated skills.

Course description

There is a reason why many professional artists choose to work in oil paint. The colours are rich and intense, the handling qualities lead naturally to realism, impressionism or indeed abstraction and the flexibility enables us to work quickly or slowly, as we choose.

This course will introduce you to the mechanics of oil paint, show you how to accurately mix the colours you see and then put in place the ground skills you need to be able to craft beautiful paintings that reflect your own creative ideas.

It is divided into four parts, in three week blocks. The first two parts will orient you to the studio, the medium and colour mixing, the second two explore aspects of image making whilst continuing to strengthen our basic skills. You may choose which parts to attend or treat it as a progressive course.

Introduction to Oil Painting, 6 weeks: Part one & two

10th January – 14th February
Half Term: 17th February
10.00am- 1.00pm (on-site)

Part one

  • Studio skills, understanding the medium, learning about colour and how to mix it.

Part two

  • Establishing a workflow, making images by working from still life

Introduction to Oil Painting, 6 weeks: Part three & four

28th February  – 4th April
10.00am- 1.00pm (on-site)

Part three

Once we’ve got to grips with the mechanics of paint we then start to consider what makes a ‘picture’.

  • Compositional strategies and basic perspective
  • Experiment with different ways of finding composition
  • Learn to build images that arrest the viewer and look ‘right’

Part four

Colour and form

  • Find out how to create a sense of volume and depth with colour
  • Look at different ways of working the paint from smooth blending to looser more painterly approaches
  • Explore your own visual language, what works best for you?
  • Learn how to establish your own painting practice

Get to know our tutor

Audrey Fattouche is an enthusiastic tutor and strong communicator who sees teaching as a part of her own art practice. She studied at the Royal Drawing School and teaches life drawing at the Dulwich Art Group. Her practice focuses on careful observation and is deeply rooted in realism, seeking to depict human experiences and real people with truth and honesty. You can see her Instagram here

Audrey Fattouche during a Oil Painting Workshop