For Models


We have an ongoing requirement for models. For our long pose groups we favour models with training in dance, yoga or bodywork. If you would like to model for us please complete the online form at the bottom of this page and upload a couple of photographs of yourself. The photos do not need to be nude but should give a clear indication of your body structure. We also like a headshot as many of our artists practise portraiture.

We usually do long poses, held for up to three hours, with breaks every twenty minutes or so for three consecutive weekly sessions. It’s your responsibility to make sure that any pose we choose is sustainable. For this reason we favour models with experience of body work of some kind. Dance, yoga, acting all seem to prepare the model well for this. A good model should be able to find a pose that their body can maintain easily and return to at will.

It seems obvious really but the greatest gift a model can give the artist is immobility. Professional models understand this and delay wriggling and scratching until the formal breaks, (that’s what they are for!) They keep their face impassive and motionless as a special courtesy to those honing their portraiture skills. We are not inhuman and realise that there are occasions when models need to move but we also know what the best models are capable of. Please bear this is in mind when applying.

We look for models of all ages and styles and are always looking for a good variety of models. A really plump model is a bit of a treat, as are unusual body types. Good muscle definition is always welcome as are voluptuous figures and waifs.

We expect a high standard of professionalism from our models, promptness and reliability with a cheerful, courteous demeanour are qualities shared by all our regulars.

If models have long hair they should bring hair ties as we usually prefer the hair up to expose shoulders and neck.

It goes without saying that a high standard of personal hygiene is expected. Oops I said it!

Apart from portrait groups all of our sessions use a nude model.

We are a friendly group and sometimes that means that artists feel they have a licence to address the model directly. Often this is fine but the convention is that only the organiser, usually Simon, directs the model. If you feel you’re getting conflicting requests please just direct your attention to the organiser.

We run short pose groups which have short poses of say thirty seconds or three minutes. For these we really appreciate something dramatic or difficult. It helps if the model has rehearsed in their mind positions that could work.

    Your age category (required)

    Your experience as a life model (required)

    Photo Guidelines
    All photos should be well-lit and in focus.
    Photo 1: A clear image showing your facial features. A frontal or 3/4 image is preferred
    Photo 2: A full-body image (clothed or nude).
    Additional photos are welcome.

    Please indicate which photo(s) we have permission to use for marketing purposes on our social media. In particular, we need a portrait to promote the sessions, although it's nice to have a good quality figure shot too.

    If the provided images are not suitable, we will take a portrait photo (clothed) at the studio during your first session. No drawings or paintings please. Max file upload size is 4MB. (required)