Wednesday Live Stream Life Drawing and Painting
This has always been a drop-in class and will be again, but in the meantime, we are running this weekly class as a live stream online art class open to all.
Long pose life painting and drawing, usually the same pose morning and afternoon to allow for some sustained work. Often we’ll have the same pose for two or even three weeks. It’s untutored so you’ll be left to get on with it yourself although advice is always available and we use Zoom to connect people and enable interaction. Talking to other artists will usually bring the objectivity required to discern the next step.
Some particulars
We work hard to provide the best professional models for you, they are valuable to us and we put their welfare first. Holding a pose for protracted periods is difficult and often painful; inevitably the body moves. We try to maintain consistency but we have to afford the model some leeway, in all cases models will make small movements to maintain circulation. The organiser will periodically ask the artists if they are happy with the pose and that is the time to make observations. In a life group, the convention is that only the organiser talks to the model when in pose so please address comments to them.
Most of us are serious about our painting so we appreciate purposeful silence whilst we are working. We usually play classical music which can smooth over some of the inevitable scrapes, clicks and tinkles. There are regular breaks for the model and a longer break half way through for coffee where you are free to chat but other than that we focus on painting or drawing.
It costs £15 for a single three hour session.