Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Nadia is a yoga teacher who we hope will give us some challenging tortured poses for this afternoon’s short pose session.
Whilst the session runs for three hours it is possible to attend one, two or three hours, as works for you. Joining or leaving the group happens promptly on the hour. There is a tutor available although the group is officially untutored.
Cost £5 for one hour, £10 for two hours or £15 for three.
Tea and cake £1
Wednesday Drop-in long pose untutored
Second week of a three week pose with actor Stephanie in seated a wicker chair.
Cost £15 no need to book, just turn up. £1 for coffee and biscuits at 11.30am
Read more here
Wednesday Afternoon Drop-in Portraiture
2.00pm -5.00pm
Sugar is our portrait model for this week and next, she has a strong face which is well framed by a hard fringe.
Cost £20 no need to book, just turn up. Tea and cake £1
This is a drop-in group for those wanting to work on their portraiture. If you haven’t been for a while would you fill in the form and read more here so that we can keep the numbers manageable.
Thursday 10.00am – 4.00pm – drop-in but please let us know you are coming
Pregnant Life Model – one day two halves 10.00am – 4.00pm
We love painting a pregnant woman, quite apart from the physiological changes which are so interesting there is the sense that one is coming close to the very process of life which can bring an urgency to the work. Heather has kindly agreed to sit for us just for one day and you can come for the morning or the afternoon or do both and share lunch with us. Read more and sign up here
Cost £30 for the whole day, £20 for a half day.
Thursday Evening Drop-in Short Pose Untutored
Sophie is a french model who will be giving us short poses on Thursday evening. Short towards longer, ending in some ten minute poses.
Thursday evenings 7.30-9.30pm Cost £10.
Friday Drop-in Long pose untutored
Agni will be starting a three week pose for us This Friday afternoon. Agni is a performance artist with an interest in shamanistic journeys which may explain the large bone on her head in this photo.
Cost £15, no need to book, just turn up. £1 for tea and cake at 3.30pm
More info here
Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Untutored Life Drawing and Painting
Second week with Rebecca sitting cross legged, with a further week to follow.
Cost £15 – no need to book, just turn up. £1 for coffee and biscuits at 11.30am
Alison and Simon
Dulwich Art Group Organisers
Alison on 07968 063523
Simon on 07704 450169
Our venue is at 4a Champion Hill SE5 8AH you can find out how to get there here
Quick links to our educational courses here:
Clare Haward: Painting in oils on Mondays and Monday Evenings
Skills Part One: The Elements of Drawing on Tuesday Mornings
Life Drawing: Intermediate Life Drawing – chief tutor Simon Dunstan Tuesday Evenings
Alex Tzavaras: Introduction to painting from life on Tuesday Evenings
Alex Tzavaras: Portrait class on Wednesday evenings
David Sawyer: Landscape Painting on Thursdays
An Introduction to Life Drawing with Alison Packer and Simon Dunstan is on Thursday evenings
Skills Part Two: Introducing Oil Painting on Friday Mornings |