Mothing to see here
We had a visitor in the studio this week, an exceedingly elegant lady who it transpires was a lime hawk moth. She was huge and plump with a seductively velvety belly. Most noticeably she was wearing distinctly military looking camouflage fatigues. If you look at the modern camouflage on the F16 below you can see that the two designers were thinking along the same lines.
Time was when art students were taught to sketch from nature, to make visual notes about natural forms and to become curious about the endless invention of the natural world. The enquiry would not only train the hand and eye as you’d expect but enrich the students visual vocabulary and connect them with a limitless resource. Going outdoors and having a good look at the rocks, plants and animals and possibly drawing some of them, can provide as much stimulation as any sane person needs to get going with their art and certainly inform their design. For the rest of us there’s always Google.