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How we can help each other

Zoom and Plein Air Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday and Friday morning Pleinairists
Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Afternoon – Drop-in Portraiture
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Things we can do to help each other.

Instagram is an important space in the digital world, particularly for us visual artists. Whilst I’d be the last person to advocate walking around with your nose pressed against a smartphone it does seem that if we are serious about our work, putting it up on Instagram is a powerful way of reaching a wider audience and getting some positive feedback about what we’re up to.

As a business, we need to be exposed to as many artists as possible and Instagram and Facebook are good places for that to happen.

They both use these clever things called algorithms which work out what content to show which user. The more engagement that a post has the more exposure it will get. If you put up a post and your Dulwich Art Group mates like it and comment, it will get shown to more people and that is a good thing.


So here is the helping bit. Can we all agree to look out for each others posts, like them and try to think of a nice comment, even if it’s just a heart emoji? By doing this we will all help each other become better known, just one of the many steps we all have to take to becoming respected artists.

You can find us on instagram here @dulwichartgroup. You may like to follow us and if you put the hashtag #dulwichartgroup on any of your posts that you’d like us to notice, it will be easy for us to find, and like, comment and so on.

If you’re new to Instagram we urge you to give it a go read more here

Wednesday mornings.

You may notice that we are pausing the Wednesday morning group for the while.

Pleinairists with David Sawyer RBA

David is in Norfolk this week producing more of his stunning output – he’ll be back with the Pleinairists next week

Here’s what’s on his easel at the moment:

David Sawyer, Great Walsingham WIP

If you are interested in painting along with David the Cost is £35 per session, which lasts approximately three hours. We use our Pleinairists Whatsapp Group to coordinate.

These are small groups where social distancing is maintained throughout.

Sign up here

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Freya will be our lithe model today

You can choose to join us for one, two or three hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Portraiture 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

The second week with Paul. Good artists producing good work here, the top by Su @rogner5th bottom by @janelawrenceart

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

The second week of Sula looking strong and empowered.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

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An Introduction to Life Drawing goes Zoom

Zoom Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting
Wednesday Afternoon – Drop-in Portraiture
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Learn to draw the figure from the beginning: An Introduction To Life Drawing

Drawing the human figure is a challenge but if persevered with, it is the surest thread to follow in the larger task of observational drawing. We have run our Introduction to Life Drawing for many years now and well over a thousand students have used it to establish their drawing practice. The central premise is that whilst we all find our own way to communicate what we see, most artists use one of a handful of methods as their starting point. We introduce these methods and allow you to find what works for you.

In two weeks time we will be running this course using Zoom. We will teach using demonstration and discussion, you will get one on one time with a tutor and a professional nude model to work from. Zoom works well for this kind of teaching. This course is ideal for complete beginners but more experienced artists also find it useful for filling in gaps.

Summer Term 10 weeks, 25th June – 27th August 2020
6.30 – 8.30pm
Cost £95

Sign up here

Why you should join the Pleinairists’  Whatsapp group.

Whilst we are all locked down we can’t get into the studio but the advice is now that we can meet in groups of up to six people so long as social distancing is observed. This means that David Sawyer’s Pleinairists can meet and paint out doors. As you may know, David paints outside several days a week as the weather allows, in order to supply his galleries with work to sell. These small groups are the perfect chance to paint alongside a seasoned pro and learn as you go. More info below.

Travel to Iraqi Kurdistan and draw with George Butler

George Butler is going to be running an exciting drawing holiday in Iraqi Kurdhistan in October which you may be interested in looking at here. Whilst Iraq itself is still a troubled area the Kurdish region in the North is safe for adventurous tourists. It has spectacular scenery, and fantastic history: “We will be discovering the legacy of the Assyrian empire, ancient fortresses, bustling bazaars, spectacular mountain scenery, 5000-year-old cities, and the notorious hospitality of the Kurdish people.” You can read more about the holiday here

George Butler’s illustrations of recent protests are featured on the Guardian website here


Last week, painting on Streatham Common with David

A message from David Sawyer: “The weather looks set to improve next week, although there’s a chance of the occasional shower.
Tuesday morning from 10.00am I’ll be painting at Streatham Common/the Rookery
Wednesday l plan to take a trip to Shoreham village in Kent, it was the home of the visionary painter Samuel Palmer & I hope to find some inspiration & bucolic English landscape.Will be there around 10.00am & will bring my lunch heading back mid afternoon.
Friday morning 10.00am it’s back to dependable Ruskin park but not the garden, I’m thinking of painting further up with the view across the city”

If you are interested in painting along with David the Cost is £35 per session, which lasts approximately three hours and you can sign up here. We use our Pleinairists Whatsapp Group to coordinate.
These are small groups where social distancing is maintained throughout.

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Valeria will offer us a series of short poses which will get longer over the course of each of three hours.

You can choose to join us for one, two or three hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Ros will sit for two weeks, this Wednesday and next Wednesday.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Wednesday Drop-in Portraiture 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

The second and final week with Paul, already some very good work emerging – the one at the top is by Illustrator Ed Simkins who took advantage of the second camera wide angle view and then a head shot by Paula Macfarlane

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Fitness instructor Emily is in standing pose and this will be the second and last week. Above you can see the portrait view by Andrew Berridge and the wide view as depicted by Gordon Stewart.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

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We are now offering Zoom based life drawing and painting sessions.

Zoom Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Freya by Bukie Kawano, study from live video stream

It’s been a long time since I walked in the moonlight…

It’s been a long time now since the lock down started and I imagine that you, like me, are missing painting from life. Working from photos is a good discipline to master but it’s not the same as having a model in front of you.

Unfortunately it looks like our studio will not be a realistic place to work in for some time. Even when we are allowed to reconvene we expect strictures on the way we use the space.

Is there a solution? We hope so. You may know that Clare Haward has been using Zoom to run her classes online. Initially we all felt this would fall short of what we expect from an art class but we’ve all been very positively surprised, both at how much value artists get from it and also how much fun it is. It’s not the same as being in a studio, it is different, not worse, just different.

Whilst this format works well for tutor led groups, the drop-ins have been causing us to scratch our heads somewhat. We felt that having a high quality live image to work from was important for you, along with the ability to interact with others.

Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting using Zoom and a Live Stream

The system we have arrived at is to broadcast a live stream of the model, which will appear on our website, coupled with a Zoom meeting where we will be able to chat and bicker as we usually do.

The live stream (which is just a page on our website, think of it like a YouTube video) uses high quality optics at our end to bring you the nuances of colour and light that many observational artists enjoy. We will often couple this with a camera looking over the shoulder of the tutor or artist taking the session so you can see how they tackle the image, for inspiration or amusement.

You may wonder why we don’t just use Facebook or YouTube live? If only life were that simple, unfortunately they have an odd attitude towards nudity and much of what we do requires a nude model. (Profanity, subversion and murder is OK. Just not nipples or pubes.)

We now have everything in place to do this, all except the fibre broadband for the live stream. Whilst we think that the combination of good quality imagery and a Zoom meeting best recreates the feel of our studio in better times, some artists may find that they are happy enough just using Zoom. The painting above was done by Bukie Kawano at one of our test sessions using Zoom, and as they say, the results speak for themselves. The fibre does not get installed until early June, so until then, off we Zoom.

The good news

We are offering Zoom sessions at a discounted rate, see below. We hope you’ll get as much value out of it as we’ve found that others have.

Understanding Zoom

Zoom is very simple but it is new. Do you remember as a child finding it staggeringly complex to use a payphone? In real terms Zoom is as easy as using a phone but the first time can feel a little confusing so, if you are not confident using Zoom, can we suggest that you have a look at some videos online? Alison thought this one was a good introduction. There are many others if you google “How to use Zoom

The routine will be that about half an hour before the session you will receive an email with a link to the meeting. If you’ve never used Zoom before, just click on the link and the system will walk you through the setup – it’s only a couple of clicks – and you’ll be ready to go. Once you have Zoom installed you’ll get straight into the waiting room for the meeting where Carole or Alison will then let you in.

Obviously a good wifi connection is going to help at your end and if you can set up your computer/tablet beside your easel or table, you’ll find it is an acceptable way to work. Your computer or tablet will send pictures of you to the Zoom group so you can see yourself and others on the screen and talk. It’s best to be there a bit before we start drawing, just as in a real studio it takes time to get all set up.

We’ll follow our familiar format, you can chat away before the session then at the starting time we’ll begin drawing or painting the model from the screen. We’ll pause for a 5 minute model break every 25 minutes.

Don’t forget to apply the discount code when you are checking out!

Art materials

Mr Green’s, or the Art Stationer’s in Dulwich Village (their proper name) are happy to deliver any materials you want to buy during lock down. It’s often Mary, Mr Green’s daughter, who is the paint monger these days and she is also offering a 10% discount as a further inducement to local art groups. So if you need anything, make the order and mention the Dulwich Art Group to get your discount. Their new website is here

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Our model is actor and performance artist Ros.

You can choose to join us for one, two or three hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Valeria is a young dancer who we have painted before. She hails from Greece.

This will be the first of two three hour sessions with the second session being next Wednesday You’ll know that we often have a model pose for three weeks but this is a slightly different situation and we will discuss this further as we go along.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Sara is a French dancer who will sit for us for three hours this Saturday and next. As above we will discuss how long it is appropriate to keep a pose as we move forward.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.