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Abatements and Augmentations and You

Zoom and Plein Air Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday and Friday morning Pleinairists
Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Afternoon – Drop-in Portraiture
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Abatements and augmentatations

We would never boast about being quick on our feet but we’ve had our fair share of shimmying in the last few months. First we had to notice that our business was closed down overnight. Then we had to reinvent ourselves as a digital studio delivering courses and drop-ins with Zoom and now we are looking at welcoming back physical humans into our space. So whilst the rest of England slumbered on a Sunday afternoon we were busy marking out the spaces for our studio to keep artists safe from each other. I’ve never felt that safe standing next to an artist so the plastic screens we are putting up may be an enrichment beyond expectation. Sinks are also going in to the studio to help with compulsive hand washing.

Being in the studio

The plan is that along with all the usual Covid19 masking, washing and sanitizing you will be able to paint the model separated by transparent pvc screens. Using this system we will initially invite eight artists to be in the studio and see if we can all behave ourselves. We will also have a spot for the camera so that if you still want to isolate, Zoom is going to continue to be an option. You will have to book a place online in advance so it won’t really be a physical drop-in anymore but it will be fun, the explosion of endorphins you will experience being in front of a flesh draped model amongst cheery artists will be the highlight of the week, at least it will be for me.

The first week of this is scheduled for the first week of September.

Tuesday afternoon short poses

We’ve nipped an hour off the end of this session, as it turns out three hours is a long time to work from a screen so we’re losing the last hour. Tuesday afternoon short poses now runs from 2.00pm-4.00pm

Tuesday evening life drawing

We are also introducing an evening Zoom session on Tuesdays from the 25th August. It will be run by Freya Tate, (who we will be seeing quite a lot of this week as a model but she is also a wonderful artist with a sharp eye and a playful line.) The session will be life model focused but Freya will introduce chaotic elements to challenge you and move your drawing on to higher levels. You can see more of Freya’s work here @freyatateify

Painting in Provence – 

  • 20th – 26th September 2020 with Benjamin Hope
  • 27th September – 3rd October 2020 with David Sawyer

Quarantine anyone?

It seems that the government is intent on making it as difficult as possible for us to have a painting holiday. Here at the Dulwich Art Group we do try to be good citizens so we do not question the Covid advice given, but really!

The current position is that if we go to France we will have to quarantine for 14 days upon our return. By September it is quite possible that the situation will have changed but we cannot tell. The French government is saying that it will impose reciprocal measures so I suppose that means that if we go to France we may have to quarantine there too. I’m not sure if you’re allowed to quarantine with other painters in a nice house in the Luberon, they haven’t made that clear yet.

So for the while we sadly have to put our plans on hold, not cancelling, just waiting and seeing. We intend to do this and if we have enough people with the will to travel at the right time in September, we’ll go for it. We even have options for October so one way or another…

Pleinairists with David Sawyer RBA

David’s message:

Hope you had a good morning painting on Friday, looking forward to seeing some of the paintings posted up
The weather this week isn’t set to improve until Friday, I’m suggesting the lake at Beddington park for Friday morning if there isn’t much sun there’s always reflections to paint, if any of you have other ideas post them up.
Hope we can meet up this week.

David Sawyer, Church Tower at Salle

If you are interested in painting along with David the Cost is £35 per session, which lasts approximately three hours. We use our Pleinairists Whatsapp Group to coordinate.

These are small groups where social distancing is maintained throughout.

Sign up here

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-4.00pm on Zoom

Freya is modelling for us this Tuesday afternoon. The top picture is one of her own life drawings because, as is often the case with life models, Freya is also an artist. (And also because she has agreed to run an evening session for us on Tuesdays from the 25th August)

You will also notice this session now runs from 2-4.00pm and as we don’t have many people joining in the second hour we will consider doing longer poses in the second hour, the first hour will be fast poses, they are hard but they are so good for us!

You can choose to join us for one or two hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Portraiture 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Holly is an interesting woman, having spent the last few years of her life planning, installing and testing climbing walls around the country in her capacity as a boulderer. She is also a sculptor, a life model and a madly vigorous cyclist. We will have her sit still for a bit with us this week and next whilst we fashion a portrait of her. Look at her sculpture here:@hollykilohduce  and watch her climb impossible things here

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

As we don’t have any decent photos of Freya, (you can se her face above on Tuesday’s entry) here is a work in progress from the last time she sat for us. She will be with us this week and next.

A single pose life session delivered over Zoom.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

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How we can help each other

Zoom and Plein Air Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday and Friday morning Pleinairists
Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Afternoon – Drop-in Portraiture
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Things we can do to help each other.

Instagram is an important space in the digital world, particularly for us visual artists. Whilst I’d be the last person to advocate walking around with your nose pressed against a smartphone it does seem that if we are serious about our work, putting it up on Instagram is a powerful way of reaching a wider audience and getting some positive feedback about what we’re up to.

As a business, we need to be exposed to as many artists as possible and Instagram and Facebook are good places for that to happen.

They both use these clever things called algorithms which work out what content to show which user. The more engagement that a post has the more exposure it will get. If you put up a post and your Dulwich Art Group mates like it and comment, it will get shown to more people and that is a good thing.


So here is the helping bit. Can we all agree to look out for each others posts, like them and try to think of a nice comment, even if it’s just a heart emoji? By doing this we will all help each other become better known, just one of the many steps we all have to take to becoming respected artists.

You can find us on instagram here @dulwichartgroup. You may like to follow us and if you put the hashtag #dulwichartgroup on any of your posts that you’d like us to notice, it will be easy for us to find, and like, comment and so on.

If you’re new to Instagram we urge you to give it a go read more here

Wednesday mornings.

You may notice that we are pausing the Wednesday morning group for the while.

Pleinairists with David Sawyer RBA

David is in Norfolk this week producing more of his stunning output – he’ll be back with the Pleinairists next week

Here’s what’s on his easel at the moment:

David Sawyer, Great Walsingham WIP

If you are interested in painting along with David the Cost is £35 per session, which lasts approximately three hours. We use our Pleinairists Whatsapp Group to coordinate.

These are small groups where social distancing is maintained throughout.

Sign up here

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Freya will be our lithe model today

You can choose to join us for one, two or three hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Portraiture 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

The second week with Paul. Good artists producing good work here, the top by Su @rogner5th bottom by @janelawrenceart

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

The second week of Sula looking strong and empowered.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

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Would you like to draw any of these models this week?

Zoom and Plein Air Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday and Friday morning Pleinairists
Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting
Wednesday Afternoon – Drop-in Portraiture
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Alison and Simon are back from not being where we are now, I’m not calling it a holiday, because paintings were painted and thanks to the intrusive nature of modern tech, admin was done, so it was fun but busy too. We had to change our travel arrangements, which had been to come back from France via Santander, which is of course in Spain. Spain is now so toxic that you have to sit alone in your house for two weeks if you are unwise enough to go there, even if you’ve already had the blessed illness and you spent your entire time in Spain inside your car. We drove back up and took the overnight Ferry from Caen instead.

Whilst on hols we sketched out our ideas for a vaccine but to be honest, we think we’re going to leave it to the boffins in Cambridge, they’ve had a head start and we don’t really have the right crayons. Besides, we’ve got other things to do, like try and work out how to get people back into our studio in a way that’s productive, fun, yet safe: more news on that very soon. We miss you guys!

Pleinairists with David Sawyer RBA

David says:

“Hi Pleinairists
Plans for next week
Weather looks ok for next week, I’m thinking of a return to Beddington park on Wednesday, I enjoyed painting the lake & there’s free parking and a cafe which does a good bacon sandwich
I’ve seen a few posts of the Labyrinth garden in Ruskin Park on Instagram & believe there’s a still a few good paintings to be done there, if not the gardens the pond & bandstand are nearby
So I suggest Beddington park for Wednesday & Ruskin Park for Friday but if there’s a concensus for changing the days around l can go with that
Hope to see you some of you next week

David Sawyer’s Reflections of Willow Trees in Beddington Park from last week

If you are interested in painting along with David the Cost is £35 per session, which lasts approximately three hours. We use our Pleinairists Whatsapp Group to coordinate.

These are small groups where social distancing is maintained throughout.

Sign up here

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Roz will be pack in the saddle with us this Tuesday (metaphorically) giving us the short poses we need to practice our figure drawing so that we can eventually draw like angels.

You can choose to join us for one, two or three hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Emily will give us the seated pose above for the second and final week. The painting is by @sherrattheather and shows her set up in Lanzarote

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Wednesday Drop-in Portraiture 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Paul has kindly agreed to be our portrait model this week and next, we’ve painted him before and he is satisfying to paint.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Sula is Laban trained dancer with a strong physique and striking face. She will sit for us for this week and next.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

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A page from a foolish painter’s diary

Zoom and Plein Air Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday and Friday morning Pleinairists
Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting
Wednesday Afternoon – Drop-in Portraiture
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Painting in the studio

It looks like we will be having small groups, pre-booked online, back in our studio. These are likely to start in August and we still have to make a few practical changes to the studio to make this possible and safe. We do so miss the verve of a room full of artists and hope that you’ll join us again as we take these tentative steps back into being. Meantime there’s Zoom!

A page from the diary of a foolish painter.

What could be better? A medieval village at the foot of the Pyrenees, a clear blue sky and a day set aside for painting. No wind, no rain, a good spot under a loggia swathed with wisteria; if I’m honest a trifle warm but compared to painting in the UK this is as good as it gets.

But the light. There is so much of the stuff. It makes the majestic plane tree which shades the village square glow underneath with light bouncing up from the flagstones. It looks fantastic but by golly it’s a bu**er to paint.

So the first painting takes a good couple of hours in situ and looks about right. Back in the holiday rental the light is more subdued and the values don’t work, without the bright light the colours look confusing, the effect is lost.

Another attempt is made, this time larger, in the studio where I can think a bit more about the composition and work on the colours. Pushing the values improves aspects of the image but the bit I liked so much about the original optical experience – the luminosity – are no longer apparent.

The next day we return to do a colour study, turn up too early and the light is not right so I do a small picture of the citadel walls dripping with bougainvillea whilst we wait for the overhead sun to blast the square with insane quantities of photons. A ‘menu de jour’ at a local eatery later and the effect is there and so the study is done, small and quick. I learn some useful lessons about indicating architecture with loose brushstrokes but I’m not sure I have the light right.

Back in the studio I look at all three. They are all very similar, the third is the most successful but for it to work in normal viewing light it’s going to need some help. There will be a fourth.

I could find something to paint that would challenge me less by navigating in known territory, paint an attractive coastline or a still life, indeed they are on my list. But it seems that one of the good bits about painting is charging off into unknown territory without a map, just a sense that there is something there. If there isn’t, we may look a little foolish but we just dust ourselves down and move on. If there is, it could be a golden city or a marble fountainhead of creative loveliness that will fuel endless and important work.

I don’t know how I’m going to fix this painting. I know some things I can try but painting in the midday sun is a daft thing to do, even Monet decided that the morning and evening were the time to paint in Provence. We’re actually west of Provence, near Collioure where the Fauves used stark saturated colours to describe the landscape. They say that the searing light here contributed to their unprecedented use of colour.

I may end up looking a little foolish but there is something about that light…if I can get to what I sense is there it will be a fine thing, even if the painting is unsaleable it will be a way-marker for me and whilst I chase the light, at least I’ve learnt a bit about painting buildings.

(If anyone has any pointers to catching Mediterranean light – do drop me a line and save me from myself!)



David says:

“Plans for plein-air next week
I’m tied up at the beginning of next week and suggest we do Thursday and Friday, going to Beckenham Place Park Thursday morning, there’s some good views in the garden with the stable block clock in the background ( might be an idea to bring coins for the car parking if you haven’t managed to load the app).
Friday morning perhaps Dulwich park for a change.
The weather at the moment is looking better for the end of the week.
Hope to see you then

The stable block in Beckenham Place Park

If you are interested in painting along with David the Cost is £35 per session, which lasts approximately three hours. We use our Pleinairists Whatsapp Group to coordinate.

These are small groups where social distancing is maintained throughout.

Sign up here

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Adrian will be giving us a series of his very drawable short poses, lots of drama: you may need some pink and orange crayons. We start each hour with very short poses which extend in length until we end with a ten minute pose.

You can choose to join us for one, two or three hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Hannah is in a seated pose with one camera showing the full figure and the other showing her head and upper torso as seen in the work in progress at the top by @stuartfairlamb

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Wednesday Drop-in Portraiture 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Amy is one of those models who was quick to adapt to our strange times, modeling from her home and offering Zoom sessions. She’s getting out to our studio now and we’ll have her for two weeks for a portrait.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Stephanie will be giving us a pose for this week and next week, it will be based around one of Degas’ women brushing their hair. She will be bringing her own hairbrush. Stephanie has lots of hair so this will give us a good compositional device.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

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Summer’s sweetest gift

Zoom and Plein Air Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday and Friday morning Pleinairists
Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting
Wednesday Afternoon – Drop-in Portraiture
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Painting in Beddington Park last week with David Sawyer

Whilst the summer unfurls before us and ever greater liberties can be taken with our social distancing our thoughts may turn to painting and drawing with others. If I can share a meal with someone surely I can share a studio?

Some art schools are beginning to run courses, goodness knows what will happen if they don’t, we all need to earn a crust. Our position is that we’re still pausing on our physical drop-in groups and tutored groups but getting excited about the idea of getting at least a few people back in the studio in the next few weeks.

However, David Sawyer is running drop-in landscape painting groups at locations around London. When the weather is good it is a wonderful way of spending a morning. You’re out in the elements, the air soothes your skin, the whispering trees speak softly to you, the turf springs beneath your feet. Most importantly you are in awe of Summer’s greatest gift, light. It plays before you showing you colours and shapes that speak to your heart, and then you are painting: that.

If you are getting cabin fever as an artist it is strongly recommended, at the very least it will bring a new perspective to your work. Rather like short pose life-drawing, our hand is forced through time constraints and through those quick decisions we learn so much.

If you don’t have the kit just let David know and he’ll bring some along for you to have a go.


Rizwan Pradwhan’s painting of the lake in Beddington Park.

David Says
Plans for this week:
Tuesday if weather is ok I’m taking up Jane G’s idea of painting in Beckenham Place Park, there’s a lake & a rather impressive Palladian house, also a cafe & toilets
Friday morning it’s back to Ruskin Park, maybe have another go at painting the pond or check out the Labyrinth garden which should be looking good in high summer
Hope to see you all next week

If you are interested in painting along with David the Cost is £35 per session, which lasts approximately three hours. We use our Pleinairists Whatsapp Group to coordinate.

These are small groups where social distancing is maintained throughout.

Sign up here

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Roz is up from the country to do the short poses this week, expect grace. As ever we start each hour with very short poses which extend in length until we end with a ten minute pose.

You can choose to join us for one, two or three hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Hannah is a Laban dance student who worked with us last year but unless you were on our intermediate drawing course you will not have seen her. She has fair skin and strawberry blond hair.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Wednesday Drop-in Portraiture 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Ed Simkin’s rather fine oil pastel of Marcus from last week. Ed works fast, this was one of several works.

The second week with Marcus as our portrait model. Marcus is sporting, what I believe is called, a short circle beard which arguably makes him look even more distinguished.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

The second week of Holly in a seated pose, side on, with her body making an ‘S’ curve. Above is a portrait view of the pose by Stuart Fairlamb. Holly has tanned legs and arms whilst the rest of her is not, a state of affairs exploited by some artists to great effect.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

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The inestimable delight of the digital space

Zoom and Plein Air Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday and Friday morning Pleinairists
Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting
Wednesday Afternoon – Drop-in Portraiture
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Alison and Carole running a Zoom session from the studio

Love is infinite, the more you give the more is available. Time and energy not so much. We have to make decisions about where to put our energies.  If you’re like us, you’re putting some of your valuable time into drawing and painting from life because you know that when you do, your other creative activities tend to flow better. The human figure is the perfect subject for observation, we are so biologically attuned to looking at it, we vibrate with every nuance. We literally have parts of our brain devoted to the task so it seems only natural that we use it as a vehicle for our art.

We’d like to invite you back into our studio to paint and draw but in the short term this is not going to be possible for us, and when we do the group sizes will have to be much smaller. Meanwhile much of the value of life drawing and painting can be gained by joining a group using Zoom.

So can we tempt you to start Zooming as an artist?

  • First, don’t be daunted by the technology, we’ve had plenty of digital dunderheads mastering the act of Zooming, it’s all very straight forward. You sign up for the class or group, we send you an invite with a link, you click on the link and Zoom will install itself if you don’t already have it and you’re in.
  • There will be other artists there, some of whom you may know, we’ve had several joyful surprise reunions! Having other souls poring over the model, sharing the same conceptual space with you, carries the feeling of group or community that we all love.
  • The formality of a timed appointment gets you into a focused place to do your work.
  • Working from a screen can be completely immersive. Just like when we watch a movie at home and we’re not lamenting the lack of a sixty foot screen, very quickly we move beyond the hardware and we’re just drawing.
  • Unlike in a physical class where you may not get the perfect spot you get a perfectly framed view of the model with the lighting optimised for you.
  • We work with professional models who are happy to pose nude in front of the camera, we like costume but for our purposes we’ve always found the nude works best.
  • It’s good value – no transport costs and during the summer we’re keeping our discounts in place so you can experience a three hour painting session for just £10

Life drawing is where we train our eye and our hand, the unforgiving process of representing what we see strengthens us as artists regardless of whether our final work is figurative or not. Whilst none of us would have chosen to be where we are now, as artists we are well placed to embrace these new ways of working.

And if we put some of our time and energy into this we may also discover that our love for our work is renewed.

Simon getting some drawing done amongst the wires, cameras and computers

nb: for any newcomers, Alison and Simon organise the Dulwich Art Group and School


A couple of pictures from the Whatsapp group:

Some good fresh colours in this work by Rizwan Pradhan

Shirley Henry painting valiantly into the wind

David says: 
Plans for painting next week
Hopefully the winds will be gone after today
I’m planning to paint in the Rookery gardens at Streatham common on Tuesday morning
Wednesday & Thursday aren’t looking that good
Everyone at last Friday’s session seemed interested in painting in Beddington Park, especially the lake, so this coming Friday we’ll be there unless the weather takes a turn for the worse
Hope to see you sometime this week

If you are interested in painting along with David the Cost is £35 per session, which lasts approximately three hours. We use our Pleinairists Whatsapp Group to coordinate.

These are small groups where social distancing is maintained throughout.

Sign up here

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Boulderer Holly is the short pose model this week. She is strong and flexible, qualities she needs for her other job, teaching people to clamber over rocks. As ever we start each hour with very short poses which extend in length until we end with a ten minute pose.

You can choose to join us for one, two or three hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Stephanie was a surprise replacement for Rebecca last week and she has a second week with us in a reclining pose with the camera looking slightly down on her. You can see the arrangement in the picture by Heather Sherratt. She is lying on a dark green drape which sets off her cool skin tones.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Wednesday Drop-in Portraiture 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Marcus will be our portrait model for this week and next, two chances to capture his charm and good looks.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

You may have drawn Holly earlier in the week and she will be dropping down from her boulder again on Saturday for a two week pose.

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Posted on

Plein Air Painting for the socially distant

Zoom Drop-in Groups – click on the links below

Tuesday Afternoon Short Pose Drop-in Life Drawing
Wednesday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting
Saturday Morning – Drop-in Life Drawing and Painting

Plein Air painting with David Sawyer this Tuesday

Beddington Park – detail, by David Sawyer

Boris has said that it’s OK for six people to socially distance in a group outdoors. That sounds like a plein air painting trip to us!

Next Tuesday David is going to be in Ruskin Park’s maze garden from 10.00am – 1.00pm and then on Thursday afternoon 2.00pm-5.00pm. David feels that having three hour sessions will work better for everyone and we think he is right, it’ll focus the mind and be better value. He’s inviting five others to be six feet away from him. He will be painting and will also support you in your work, this is one of the best ways of learning, watching an expert do what they do and getting feedback on what you are doing. David has a visor to protect you (and him) whilst he is teaching.

If you’d like to join in next Tuesday 2nd June could you respond to this email, (we don’t have a web page put together for this yet). The cost is £35 for each session. You may park at our studio and wander down. (Ruskin Park is very close to the studio)

In future we will run his sessions in a more ad hoc way so that you will have the option to sign up for each individual session or for a block of three or six as works for you. You can now think of this rather like a drop-in. We also anticipate going further afield and being more responsive so that if, for instance, it’s bucketing down, we’ll take a view and maybe go out the next day.

We will use a Whatsapp group for communications, most of us already use it to chat to our families and it’s ideal for a smallish group to coordinate on the go. When you sign up you’ll get invited to the Whatsapp group and then you’ll be in the loop for subsequent sessions or any other updates.

Clare Haward is having a virtual exhibition

Landscape with village, oil on linen by Clare Haward

A range of Landscape paintings by Clare Haward NEAC will soon be exhibited at 155A. The exhibition will run online from next weekend. If you’ve ever learnt anything from Clare you may like to buy one of her paintings, having your tutor’s work on the wall is a constant reminder of their way.

“Clare Haward is a painter of Landscapes, Still Life and Portrait. Recently elected as a member of New English Art Club, she has exhibited her work widely. She also teaches her particular approach to painting, finding this has become an important part of informing some ideas into her own practice.

Price range: £225-£1500”

Tuesday Drop-in Short Pose Life Drawing 2.00pm-5.00pm on Zoom

Ros is posing for the short poses this Tuesday afternoon. Here is a screen grab from the last time she was here. We will follow the familiar format of starting each hour with terrifying 30 second short poses and move on to longer poses. depending upon who comes and goes we may end the session with a half hour pose. We try to be democratic.

You can choose to join us for one, two or three hours and as we’re still rolling this out the charge will only be £2.50 per hour. To get the special price use the discount code PESTE1 at final check out when purchasing the session.

Click here to book

Wednesday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

We have Stephanie for two weeks, I think her hair has changed since this photo, so you get the sunshine and smiles but not the curly locks!

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.

Saturday Drop-in Long Pose Life Drawing 10.00am-1.00pm on Zoom

Last week poor Sara, our expected model, came down with suspected CV so Alison had the challenge of finding a new model at 9.30 on a Saturday morning. Not all models are morning people (to put it mildly) so we were very happy to discover that Adrian is. He dashed over and saved the session with a seated pose that makes the most of his colouring. We will bring Sara back when she has recovered so that we can finish our paintings but we have Adrian for this week in the second of a two week pose. The WIP painting below is by Vicki Cooke on her first digital session with us, let’s hope she enjoyed the session enough to come back!

Please book here

The session fee will be reduced to £10 if you use the discount code PESTE2 at final checkout.